How to Get Slime Out of a Blanket

How to Get Slime Out of a Blanket

How to get slime out of a blanket is always the fear of many women. Because if we do not handle it skillfully, the stain will even spread to other areas. So your best option is to take it to the laundromat? But you don’t have enough patience and plenty of time to wait?

Did your baby just smear slime on your blanket, or did you just treat yourself to a meal of fried chicken on the blanket after a long tiring day and accidentally got grease on the blanket… or There are tons of other reasons why your blanket may be sticky with slime.

Don’t worry too much about dealing with those stubborn stains! Here we’ll give you the information you need with close-by items that can still remove sticky stains from your favorite blanket.

1. Wondering Why your Slime is stuck to the Blanket?

It is often said that “weed must be eradicated”, so if you want to remove the sticky stains from your beloved blanket, let’s try to learn a little about the ingredients and ingredients to create the slime.

To make slime, most people will use ingredients such as glue, solder, and baking soda. It is the glue ingredients in the glue that are the cause of the stains on your bedding. Together with the high oil content of the slime, regular soap and water do not help remove the grease from the fabric substrate.

So if you want to remove the sticky grease from your beloved blanket, you need these stubborn grease removal methods. Here, let’s explore some common ways that you will definitely need to get there!

2. Ways to Get Dirt Out of Blankets

To make it easier for everyone to get rid of slime from your blanket, here are a few ways you can use things you already have in your home. They can be vinegar, ice cubes inside the refrigerator, laundry detergent, etc. Let’s refer to the ways and steps to use them!

2.1. Vinegar

If your blanket has a stubborn stain, the best and most economical method is vinegar. Vinegar will dissolve the slime and easily return the inherent cleanness of the blanket. Here are the steps we want to send you to secure your blanket:

  • Step 1: Identify the stain that needs cleaning on your blanket and spray vinegar on the stain. Then let the vinegar soak into the fabric for at least 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: After 10 minutes, take a paper towel and moisten it with water. Then wipe away the grease and vinegar on the blanket.

You can spray vinegar on several times to make sure the stain caused by the adhesive is completely removed. 

2.2. Ice Cubes

The ice cubes will freeze the slime so you can easily remove the stain by peeling them off your blanket. By placing the stones against the sticky slime areas.

Just leave it on for a few seconds! Don’t let them melt on your blanket as this will only make the stain penetrate deeper into the fabric!

2.3. Rubbing Alcohol

Alcohol also works like vinegar, it dissolves grease stains but also makes it easy to stain your blanket. If you don’t have vinegar at home, you can use rubbing alcohol. Do the following:

  • Step 1: Spray some rubbing alcohol on a tissue or discarded cloth.
  • Step 2: Rub it on the oily spot until the slime is gone.

2.4. Dishwashing Liquid

Dishwashing liquid is a mild cleaning chemical, it easily removes excess oil on dishes and removes grease on the surface of your blanket. Dishwashing liquid is rated as safe for your health for the next use.

  • Step 1: Take a bucket of warm water and dissolve it with a large amount of dishwashing liquid until it becomes fluffy.
  • Step 2: Take a soft and thin cloth, soak it in a bucket of dishwashing liquid. Then rub it on the greasy stain on your blanket. And continue doing until the stain is completely removed.

2.5. Washing Powder

Detergent is a strong enough detergent to dissolve and break down slime from the threads of a blanket. To use it, follow the same steps as for dishwashing liquid mentioned above. Once the slime is gone, you can rinse the blanket with some warm water.

Before choosing to use detergent to remove stains, make sure that when choosing detergent, it will not cause a reaction in your blanket.

3. Tools to Help Remove Stains

3.1. Toothbrush

The bristles are so fine and soft that it can remove slime from within the fibers of a blanket more easily than a finger or a cloth.

The advantage of the brush is that the small head makes it easier to work with stains and helps you control the force you apply to the blanket. You can use a toothbrush in combination with vinegar or detergent and make sure that the stain remover is only on one area.

3.2. Soft Brush

If your blanket is a soft, soft material, use a softer brush. Soft brushes are those that have a lot of bristles, and the bristles are gentle and not too stiff or rough and they have almost no risk of the bristles scratching and tearing the blanket when you wash it.

The bristles are long enough to reach deep inside the blanket fibers with vinegar, dishwashing liquid or detergent.

3.3. Towel/microfiber cloth

Other fabrics can spread the slime around. But microfiber fabrics are more effective than other fabrics because they are denser and denser. Especially since they are relatively inexpensive. On the contrary, they are quite coarse and coarser than other fabrics, it will be especially useful for stains that need to be abraded, breaking the texture of the substance by sticking.

3.4. Cotton

Cotton wool is a great choice for absorbent and removing small debris from the surface of blankets. While they don’t put a lot of pressure on the blanket, they are great for dissolving a greasy area.

First, you can use a cotton ball soaked in vinegar, dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent on the area. Then, use one of the other tools above to clean your blanket to completely remove the stain


The cleanliness of a blanket gives us comfort, peace of mind to use in daily life. Making our life always happy and pleasant helps you to have an energetic spirit every day. So knowing how to remove unwanted greasy stains on blankets will bring us more satisfaction in life.

When using any method and tool to help you remove stains, consider carefully the type of blanket you have so that you can choose the right method to completely remove the sticky stain. Thank you for your interest in the information we have mentioned above. 9Blanket hopes they are useful information and bring the results you want!

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