What Is A Verbal Security Blanket

What Is A Verbal Security Blanket

Ever heard of a verbal security blanket? So, what is a verbal security blanket? If your family has a loved one who is at an older age (usually 70 years or older) then maybe your family should have a blanket of speech security!

As people get older and older, they will become aging and functions will gradually lose including health and memory. That’s why older people easily become dodgy and lose their memory!

With difficulties that only people with dementia in the elderly can really understand the desires, sufferings, whispers to be able to have good experiences and have small joys. reminisce in life the rest of the years of life.

Psychologists, nursing home doctors and nurses share: “We have seen first-hand the impact memory loss has on communication and expression of needs. demand of certain individuals”. Therefore, there are therapies that use verbal security blankets to help the treatment process to limit unnecessary damage in the elderly.

Curious what kind of blanket it is? What texture does it have? And how to use it? No problem, in this article, we will introduce you to some information about this blanket! Who knows, in certain circumstances, we will meet and have experiences about it. It’s very interesting and I’m looking forward to the information!

1. What Is The Verbal Security Blanket In Dementia?

The essence of a verbal protection blanket is that it is the lightest of the heavy blankets. As a matter of fact, they have the texture and function of a heavy blanket. Therefore, heavy blankets are also known as therapeutic blankets, they weigh from 5 to 30 pounds.

Blankets are used to apply pressure along with a combination of several therapeutic techniques known as deep pressure stimulation or pressure therapy. The verbal protective blanket helps the person with dementia to repeat over and over again to cope with their surroundings and provide a sense of security and comfort.

To be able to express personal needs with phrases that can range from simple sentences like “I am hungry” or “I am tired” to more complex phrases that can have a personal meaning to the individual.

Healthcare professionals share that the verbal security blanket is often used in response to feelings of confusion, uncertainty or anxiety that may arise from cognitive impairment related to Dementia.

In this case, a blanket can be a way for individuals to feel more in control of their environment and communicate their needs to carers and their families. When their needs are met, students’ moods and moods also become more upbeat and happy.

However, the nature of verbal security blankets can be daunting for caregivers and can create frustration or stress for both the person with dementia and their loved one.

As an occupational therapist, the health worker’s role is to help caregivers understand the function and purpose of the verbal protective blanket, and to devise strategies for managing and coping with the condition. this phenomenon in a way that promotes the health and quality of life of people with dementia.

2. How To Identify A Verbal Security Blanket In A Loved One With Dementia

When caring for someone with dementia or dementia it is important to be aware of the possibility that they may be using verbal protection. Identifying a layer of verbal security can help you understand and meet your loved one’s needs, and provide them with the support and comfort they need.

The following are some common signs and behaviors that may indicate the use of a verbal protective blanket in people with dementia and dementia:

  • Repeating the same word or phrase: Verbal cues if older adults show the same expression over and over, even when responding to different questions or prompts. This is the most obvious sign of dementia.
  • Having difficulty communicating or expressing their needs: If older adults have difficulty expressing their needs or desires, using verbal defenses can be a way for them to communicate. get what they need or want.
  • Expressing anxiety or confusion: A verbal protective blanket can be a way for someone with dementia to cope with feelings of anxiety or confusion. Note that your last name is showing more anxiety or confusion than usual. It might be worth considering whether they use a layer of verbal security as a coping mechanism.

If you suspect someone with dementia is using a verbal security blanket, it’s important to approach the situation with patience and understanding. Try to understand the context and meaning of the phrase for your loved one, and respond in a supportive and comforting way.

It may also be helpful to seek the guidance of a healthcare professional, such as a therapist or therapist, for additional support and strategies for managing the use of protective blankets.

The benefits of the verbal protective blanket for people with dementia, such as deep pressure stimulation that uses pressure to relax the nervous system, it models the experience of hugging or being hugged feeling of patting again:

  • Reduce pain sensation
  • Reduce symptoms of stress
  • Improve sleep
  • Reduce symptoms of depression

Researchers have proven that verbal security blankets can help ease both emotional and physical symptoms. When people with dementia use this blanket, there will be a feeling of comfort and comfort, helping to reduce some of the feelings of emptiness and anxiety they experience.

3. Manage A Security Blanket With Words

Here are some strategies to help you manage and deal with the verbal security blanket in dementia:

  • Respond with patience and understanding: It may be easy to get impatient during caregiving hearing the same phrase over and over, but it’s important to approach the situation with patience and understanding. Remember that your loved one uses a protective verbal layer to deal with dementia and express their needs.
  • Try to understand the context and meaning of the phrase: It can be helpful to understand the context and meaning of a verbal protective blanket for your loved one. This can help you respond in a supportive and comforting way. For example, if your loved one is saying “I’m hungry,” you can offer them a snack to meet their needs.
  • Use distractions and redirects: If your loved one is repeating too many security words over and over, it can be helpful if you are trying to distract or divert their attention to an activity or subject another topic. This can help break the pattern of repetition and provide variety and stimulation.
  • Seek the guidance of a healthcare professional: If you are having trouble managing or dealing with your loved one’s use of the verbal protective blanket, it can be helpful to seek help. guidance from a health care professional, such as an occupational therapist. They can provide additional support and strategies to manage the use of verbal protection and improve the health and quality of life of your loved one.

It is important to remember that managing and treating and responding to the verbal protective blanket in dementia requires patience and understanding. By finding strategies that work for you and your loved one, you can provide them with the support and comfort they need while promoting their overall well-being. Hope this article of 9Blanket will be useful for you and people with dementia!

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