How to Get Static Out of Blanket

How to Get Static Out of Blanket

How to get static out of a blanket is probably a common question of many people and I am no exception. Blankets are an inseparable part of us in this cold winter. We all love the soft, cozy feeling it gives. There is nothing more enjoyable and comfortable than being hidden under it, wrapping it tightly against the cold winds that shake people outside.

However, one thing that makes me uncomfortable is the phenomenon of static in the blanket when we are enjoying the comfortable, cozy feeling it brings. While it is not dangerous to the body, it is certainly not welcome.

 Cold, dry air is the perfect source for these static particles to shock you when you least expect it. When the dry air and blanket collide, combine to create the perfect electrostatic storm. Every one of us has experienced the uncomfortable feeling that static electricity brings – it’s also known as static shocks that can hurt.

However, there are still some simple methods to help you get rid of static electricity in the blanket and sleep peacefully. So when this unpleasant phenomenon occurs, try to apply some of the measures that we outlined below to prevent static on your bed!

1. What Causes Static Charge in the Objects?

So what causes static electricity between objects? The basic cause of this phenomenon is the friction between the two objects, in the process of contacting, causing the exchange of charges to each other, so an electric current occurs. This phenomenon is also known as a frictional charge, static charge, or contact charge.

When electrons move from one surface to another, one side is negatively charged while the other side is positively charged, causing a disturbance between the charge carriers. However, they will very quickly recover from the disturbed state and this charge accumulation passes on to the next exposed object.

For example, when walking into a shopping center, you will feel an electric shock if you walk on the carpet and touch the metal door rail. That’s because the mat is an insulator, it helps to remove all the electrons from the body making it positively charged. It causes electrons from the metal to flow toward your body, causing the surfaces to become charged and you feel it.

2. Which Materials are Prone To Static Electricity?

Each object has its structure and physical properties. While metals readily allow electrons to move, insulators resist the movement of charge making them more susceptible to a build-up.

Below we have listed materials that easily allow an electric current to flow through:

Wool: natural fiber and tends to accumulate charge carriers. This is probably the electrically charged material that we encounter most often and easily recognize. In addition, the hair also has similar properties to wool, so it is also an electrical charge carrier.

Silk: because silk is composed of polyester fibers, it is very dry, so even a slight friction can generate an electric current.

Objects such as nylon, paper towels, and plastic wrap are all prone to accumulating electricity on their surface.

3. Methods to Remove Static from Blankets

3.1. Introduce Humidity

Static electricity and moisture in the air are closely related. Therefore, it can be said that these two factors will determine the amount of charge accumulated on the surface.

Charge accumulation occurs in case the object is an insulator, has dry air, and has low humidity. So turning on the air humidifier a few minutes before going to bed will reduce the lack of electricity. An air humidifier is one of the easy, friendly ways to add moisture to the air that you should invest in your home.

You can add aromatherapy to the room to make the room more relaxing and comfortable. If you do not have financial resources, you can also use a nebulizer or simply place a basin of water in the room to minimize the loss. electrical capacity. When the room is humid it creates a thin layer of water on the surface of each object which prevents the accumulation of electricity.

3.2. Use Vinegar During Rinsing or Washing

Using vinegar to wash blankets is sometimes weird for many people, even scary because of its strong, characteristic smell. But believe me, using vinegar in the washing process can reduce the static electricity that is haunting your sleep.

Often many fabric softeners also work to reduce static electricity, but you should carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions for use to see if they are used or not. Because some blanket materials will be damaged when using fabric softener, vinegar is considered a safer and friendlier choice.

Vinegar is slightly acidic, which loosens and softens fabrics during washing. It helps reduce friction resulting in less movement and less charge on your blanket. Regarding the smell that you do not want, you do not need to worry too much because each lane only uses a very small amount, just flushing through the water can remove the smell. In addition, vinegar also helps blankets deodorize and avoid mold.

3.3. Apply Lotion to Your Body

Applying lotion not only helps you moisturize your body, but it also works to prevent static electricity. It’s unfortunate, isn’t it? On cold days, our skin is drier than usual and this is the ideal surface for static electricity. However, just applying moisturizer to the body can prevent that from happening.

When applying moisturizer, the moisture of the skin surface will also increase. Thus minimizing the charge that can be associated with your blanket. This will make your sleep uninterrupted and disturbing. That’s so great!

Apply moisturizer as a protective layer to the skin against unwanted electrostatic shocks. Since the palms are constantly in contact with other things, they need to be thoroughly moisturized. Put a little moisturizer on your hands, feet, and even hair in a small amount and you no longer need to worry about static electricity.

3.4. Change Up Your Drying Cycle

There is an extremely simple way to eliminate static electricity that not everyone knows that is to change the cycle of the dryer. You just need to remove a damp towel during the drying process to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon.

Another way you can also try is to use a crumpled aluminum ball. You just need to throw it into the washing tub and dry it with the blanket for 20 minutes to remove all the static electricity inside the blanket. It’s easy and simple, isn’t it? So, what are you waiting for, do not apply right away!

4. Is Static Electricity In Blankets Dangerous?

If you are wondering why there are often sparks in your blanket at night. You don’t know if it could be dangerous for you or not.

The good news that 9Blanket wants to tell you is that it is a completely normal phenomenon, not dangerous to the body. But the case of these sparks coming into contact with gas is very dangerous. It can lead to the risk of fire to the house or some nearby objects.

However, anyway, you should learn and remember, to apply the simple ways to reduce the charge that we have suggested above. These are all simple methods, easy to do, and have immediate results. Now, you will not be surprised by the shocks in bed anymore, but just enjoy the warm, smooth feeling that the blanket brings.

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