Why Does My Cat Lick My Blanket

Why Does My Cat Lick My Blanket

Why does my cat lick my blanket? When raising a cat, there will be many problems such as the cat going to the toilet in the wrong place, the cat licking the blanket, scratching the blanket, … and countless other problems that cause you a headache.

Your cat will sometimes be very stubborn and difficult to train them with many reasons that make them so difficult to train? So where do those reasons come from? Is it a subjective reason or an objective reason?

We will fix the consequences when we know what the real reason is. But don’t worry too much about it, we will help you determine the reason your cat is having problems and how to fix them!

1. What is a Blanket Licking Cat?

If you have a cat and they lick their paws, you’ll find them adorable. But if it’s happening to your blanket and it’s happening on a regular basis, this is a case where you need to reevaluate your cat. Cat licking is a common behavior, so don’t worry too much about it! 

It could be that they are stressed out with their new environment, are uncomfortable with their new sleeping place, etc. and there are many other reasons why the blanket licking behavior becomes more and more reinforced.

Sometimes the blanket licking behavior is accompanied by “gru gru” cries, the behavior becomes more tense and defensive. And licking your blanket makes them feel more comfortable, secure, and at ease. 

Depending on the cause, the reason and the solution will be different. But don’t worry too much! Without making you wait any longer, now let’s dig deeper into these issues!

2. What is a Cat Licking The Blanket And Meowing?

The cat licks the blanket while squealing “gru gru”, which may at first seem like your pet’s instinct. The cry and the act of licking the blanket is an instinct left by their ancestors when they have not been tamed in the wild for months.

The “gru gru” sound is made when they feel happy and comfortable. They feel that the environment they are in, the behavior they are doing makes them feel so safe, that they can freely emit cooing sounds that make you fall in love.

3. Why Cats Lick Blankets

There are many reasons why your cat may be licking blankets. But in general, there will be 2 angles that make your cat have that behavior. We generalize to physiological causes and psychological causes. Each cause will have many other specific causes. And now, let’s go find out!

3.1. Physiological Cause

Physiological causes are those related to their physical and health problems, due to the breed or other physical symptoms such as Pica syndrome, due to the Siamese breed.

  • Siamese cat breed: Scientists have found evidence that Siamese or other Oriental cats tend to lick fabrics, blankets and other objects more than other breeds. This may be due to their longer weaning and separation periods.
  • Pica’s disorder: Pica disorder or Pica syndrome commonly seen in cats are eating disorders. Your cat tends to eat items such as carpets, fabrics, tiny dirt, … and countless other soft items. If your cat does the behaviors we mentioned above, it is very likely that your cat has Pica syndrome. Most often, the cause of this syndrome is a dietary deficiency, if not treated promptly, your pet will be at risk of intestinal obstruction.

3.2. Psychological Cause

When it comes to psychological causes, we often find this to be a more subtle cause than something that can be seen directly as a physiological cause.

With this group of causes, they often originate and develop as the cat grows up. Like separation from mother too soon, anxiety,… even happiness. And now let’s see how those causes manifest!

  • Separation from the mother too early: For cats that are separated from their mother early before the cat is 8 weeks old, they do not complete the nursing cycles and licking the blanket causes them to be re-introduced to the feeling of suckling. They find that licking the blanket is like being with their mother, the feeling of being cuddled and happy.
  • Anxiety: If you’ve just moved, moved, changed your cat’s habits or acquired a new pet, all of these have the potential to cause your cat to become anxious and fearful, causing anxiety. They are prone to anxiety disorders in cats. To reduce this situation, spend time with them, play with them more. If the condition persists, you should take them to the vet clinic.
  • The cat feels happy: Can you believe it? Even your cat feeling happy can make them lick the blanket, they are extremely satisfied with what is happening around them. Maybe licking the blanket helps them sense your scent and image.

4. How To Stop Cats From Licking Blankets

After having consulted about the causes of your cat licking the blanket, we will easily overcome those causes. We have listed and described in detail some of the methods as follows:

4.1. Do Not Give Access To Blankets

The first thing to stop your cat from licking your blanket is to stop the cat from coming into contact with your blanket. This is a pretty effective way to help your cat temporarily forget about licking the blanket.

After a while, when using this method you will see that your cat will reduce the behavior of licking the blanket and then it will really work! I hope this also works for your cat.

4.2. Train

Cat licking blankets may be due to their habit and you are quite pampering and easygoing with them. So training them will help them get in order, making them more obedient and stop licking your blankets.

On the other hand, in the process of training you and your pet will have more time to be closer, snuggle together and easily know what your pet needs and what the nail wants to be able to respond promptly. legitimate needs and prevent acts that are dangerous to them.

4.3. Use Toys Instead

Using substitute toys is one of the most effective ways, instead of them licking, scratching and biting your blanket. Now you don’t need to worry because there are replacement toys. They will move from one object to another so that your blanket is no longer licked.

When using substitutes, sometimes you’ll be proactive in taking the time to play with them. Make them happy, happy and safe, they will always feel loved and you will be more satisfied.

4.4. See a Vet

Seeing a veterinarian is a last resort to help your kitten quickly remediate its current behavior. But if your kitten is having physiological problems, you should take them to the vet in the first place. Although it can be expensive to see a veterinarian, it is the fastest and best way for them. 

Hopefully the methods 9Blanket have listed above will be able to help you and your cat. Hope you and your pet will have wonderful experiences and moments together. We hope you find our article useful! Thank you for watching and welcoming!

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