Why Does My Dog Pee on His Blanket

Why Does My Dog Pee on His Blanket

Why does the dog pee on his blanket? For the past few months, you’ve been faced with the terrible task of washing your dog’s blanket every day, which he peed on. The frequency of this cleaning becomes more and more frequent, and it makes you more irritable and frustrated.

In addition, you are also very worried about your dog’s condition. Because this phenomenon has happened for a long time but there is still no solution?

Don’t worry too much about this! We wrote this article to help you with any problems you are having with your dog when they pee on his blanket! This article will address the causes your dog is at risk for and guide you through solutions that are appropriate for your abilities and circumstances!

1. What Is The Dog Peeing On His Blanket?

A dog urinating on its own blanket is a symptom of a medical or psychological problem in dogs. Dogs often excrete urine into their own sleeping space, more specifically, their blanket. The range of urine coming out is not just a small leak, but they are also a large puddle, worse than soaking its blanket.

This expression of the dog not only disturbs your work life, but also makes the dog feel the same. No matter what causes a dog to pee on its blanket, it’s not normal for a dog to pee on its blanket, even if it’s a small dog.

Your dog urinating on his blanket makes the area around the dog smelly, musty. They even make your home’s space smell unpleasant, unwanted scents. Besides, the urine-stained blanket when in contact with the dog can cause it to develop dermatitis, mold, make your dog sick and become more uncomfortable.

2. Why Does The Dog Pee On Its Blanket?

In general, the causes of your dog peeing in their bed include two main causes, which are medical causes and psychological causes. When it comes to pathological causes, we can refer to a number of diseases such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease, arthritis, diabetes, etc.

For psychological causes, including phenomena such as: stress, anxiety, fear of abandonment, grief, … even due to lack of training. There are countless reasons your dog is at risk, but this article will cover the main risks:

  • Urinary tract infections
  • Mark the territory
  • Stress
  • Limited mobility
  • No home training

2.1. Urinary Tract Infections

Bacteria are the leading cause of your dog’s urinary tract infections. The bacteria stick and they multiply, multiplying exponentially in the dog’s urinary tract. This causes your dog not to have urinary tract control, they pee on his blanket without even knowing it.

Their bladders become irritated and cause urine to leak out uncontrollably because bacteria have inhibited the dog’s urine control.

2.2. Mark The Territory

We are not too familiar with dogs marking their territory on trees, fences, fire hydrants, … but marking territory in our homes is problematic behavior and Extremely rare for a dog that has been trained by the owner.

But that’s not necessarily not the case, they can happen if you have more than one animal in your home. They assert their sovereignty over other animals by peeing on blankets, on beds, … on objects within its privacy.

2.3. Stress

Stress is also considered one of the top causes of your dog peeing on its blanket. Now think back, has your family recently added a new member? Adding a new member makes the dog worry that you won’t be as interested in him as before, making him wonder about how to treat the new member.

Or have you recently moved or moved to new, more remote areas? It is these things that make your dog worry that they will be abandoned, they have not yet adapted to the new things around.

When your dog is stressed, not only do they pee on their blankets, there are even other accompanying symptoms such as aggression, becoming more aggressive, hot-tempered, fixated, sensitive to everything. more, destructive, anorexia, hiding,…And they felt it was safer to pee on their blankets so they did.

2.4. Limited Mobility

For older dogs, trauma or injury to the legs also causes them to have limited mobility and even urinate right on their blankets. For dogs with this kind of mobility inability or limited mobility, the ability to move to the litter box you prescribe is a very difficult thing.

So they choose to pee on the bed because they find it very difficult to get up from the bed. If this is the case, then neither you nor your dog will be at ease!

2.5. No Home Training

For pet owners. Perhaps the issue of training and raising them in the house is extremely arduous and takes both your effort and time. If the dogs are not trained, they will urinate on their own in places that you do not allow.

Not only do they urinate on their own, they also eat and drink irregularly, causing spillage. Worse, they make the space in your home turned upside down and overwhelmed by unpleasant odors. And you are the one who has to clean up the ruins they left behind.

3. How To Fix

If your dog is experiencing one of the above causes, don’t worry! Below, we’ll cover three solutions within your range, see which one is right for your dog and your condition!

3.1. Reassure Your Dog

That’s right! Make no mistake, the first thing you need to do is reassure your dog. No matter what reason your dog is urinating in bed, come gently comfort them! Surely it’s been too long, you and your friend haven’t whispered in your heart?

Sometimes you just need to stroke them while feeding them, pat their heads and hug them, you can also exercise with them a little outdoors, take them for a run or simply watch a movie with them, tell a story.

Just such small actions, I think your dog will feel your love, care, gentleness, worry, … for them. They will feel more secure, less worried, no longer stubborn and more obedient to you! Now, let’s talk and talk to each other like two real friends!

3.2. Training at Home

I know that home coaching is a very difficult job, but the results and benefits you get are very high. If your dog is a new member, get acquainted with him before you actually train him. Get used to it first by taking it for a walk, playing with it at the park, etc.

This way, the distance between you and it will really be shortened! It will become more obedient, more obedient to you, the problems that you worry about will also disappear! It’s convenient and fun, isn’t it?

3.3. See a Vet

If the above two methods do not work, 9Blanket thinks it is time for your puppy to see a veterinarian. Or if you find out the causes of the disease, the first priority is to go to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Your dog will quickly find out what problems they have and the veterinarian will also provide the method and treatment that is most suitable for him. So don’t worry too much about this problem!

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