How To Make a Flannel Blanket

How To Make A Flannel Blanket

Giving your loved ones handmade gifts is always a way to show how much you care and care for family members. A flannel blanket is a great gift idea, but how to make a flannel blanket confuses many people.

I know that many people love to make personalized gifts that reflect the preferences of my friends and family. The ideal handcrafted, customized present is this simple to create flannel blanket.

On cold winter days, nothing is more perfect and warm than sitting around the fire and sharing interesting stories. But sometimes we feel cold and need something to cover to make the body feel warmer, nothing but a flannel blanket

Below we will show you specific and detailed steps on how to design a unique and creative flannel blanket. With only simple materials and a little ingenuity, you have a unique blanket for your loved ones. So read on to learn how to do it in detail!

1. What is a Flannel Blanket

When we think of flannel, we usually think of the plaid pattern that you see on a lot of flannel clothes or blankets. Felt is a loose weave and it can come in many different styles.

Historically, felt was made by weaving wool or carded yarn together into a loose pattern. Thanks to this weaving method, flannel materials often have small air pockets that allow the material to be super breathable while remaining quite warm.

These days, felt is usually made from cotton or wool, although you can certainly find felts made from synthetic materials. Regardless of what it’s made of, flannel is usually designed to help insulate you, keeping you warm, although its rather loose weave helps keep it a relatively lighter fabric.

Flannel is a great fabric to work with because it’s easy to find, it’s an easy fabric for beginners, and it’s really warm in winter! You can choose plaid fabric, plain fabric, or bold print.

This homemade felt blanket is the easiest throw blanket to make because it’s all straight lines. It’s fun to make something to decorate your home, and then snuggle up in the perfect blanket.

2. Supplies and Materials

Before proceeding to create your flannel blanket, you should prepare the materials and tools 9Blanket suggest below to make the quilting process as smooth and easy as possible. These tools can be found at any sewing shop.

  • 1.5 to 2 yards of felt per side
  • Polyester Batting (This roll is enough for two blankets)
  • fabric scissors
  • super small scissors
  • Iron
  • Straight Pins
  • Quality coordination theme
  • Pearl Cotton Skein (Match with yarn)
  • Large needle for hand tying
  • Machine Needles & Hand Sewing Needles
  • Sewing machine
  • Ruler

But before you go shopping, decide how big you want your blanket to be. For the kids, I decided to use 1 pin width (~42″) x 2 yards length. They turn out to be super long (you know, like 7 feet). If I were to do them again, I would pick 1.5 yards and adjust the number of hits needed.

The prints or textures on the blanket should be considered to match the preferences and personality of the recipient.

3. How To Make a Flannel Blanket

3.1. Fabric Preparation

Once you have found your favorite piece of fabric that you want to make your flannel blanket, the next step you need to do is wash the fabric you just bought. Make sure you wash and dry the felt fabric before sewing.

This will shrink the fabric first so that when it’s made into a blanket you can wash and dry it. Not only that, this allows us to start the blanket as soon as it is finished or when there is free time.

After your fabric is prewashed, quickly trim off any hanging threads. You don’t have to take them all, but get rid of the extra large threads because it causes unsightly as well as difficulty in the sewing process later.

3.2. Choose to Personalize Your Flannel Blanket

To make your flannel extra special you can add accents with details and images that you feel are appropriate and match your taste. Adding a special highlight is how you create and personalize your blanket. How proud and excited to feel that there is only one blanket like that designed by myself!

3.3. Assemble Your Blanket

Take your felt fabric and stitch the right sides together. Lay the fabric sides down with the right sides (matte side if your fabric is a solid color) together. Make sure you have the orientation of the prints running in the same direction.

Double-check to make sure your textures are on the top of the blanket. Quickly pin them into place. Make sure to leave plenty of room to insert the ball by leaving a very large hole.

Sew around the outer circumference with thread. I use a cheap white thread and use my straight stitch at the default settings. To make the blanket lay more flat, cut the 4 corners. It’s always a plus when you can get rid of extra fabric.

Turn the blanket inside out so it now looks like your blanket! Be sure to push out the corners.

3.4. Insert Polyester Fabric

Once your blanket is assembled and rotated properly, place your polishing pad on top of the blanket. To fit these polishes into your blanket for the best fit, you should cut the polishing pads to adjust to the size of your blanket. If you cut it too large, the crust will wrinkle, causing unsightly to the final product.

Next, tuck your ball inside the blanket. The easiest and simplest way to do this is to insert the polishing pad slowly and gently so that they don’t crumble. Finally, using your hole as a guide, pin a flat corner into the upper corners with a straight pin.

You may even out the remainder of the blanket by making these the corners that are closest to you. As you move down or out of your top pegs, adjust the stroke so that it’s flush with the inside edges.

3.5. Press The Blanket

To help keep everything in place before the final stitch, run the hot iron quickly over the blanket and edges. I find that it helps keep the ball in place and flattens it all out when I apply pressure. Press the opening and closing of your blanket.

3.6. Start Sewing Blankets

Sew a straight line around the edge of the blanket. It’s a good idea to start at the edge of the fabric with the printed text to make sure you’ve placed the seam so the text isn’t visible.

We recommend using a 1/4-inch seam allowance on the other three sides of the quilt (you may need a larger seam allowance on the edge of the fabric with text). Finally, make sure to leave a 4 to the 5-inch gap in the bottom of the blanket so you can turn it right side out.

Next, you cut the corners of the blanket and then turn the right side of the blanket out. Use a short stitch length for hand stitching to keep the hole in place. Sew a top seam about 4 inches from the edge to create a hem around the perimeter of the blanket. This gives the finished flannel blanket a more finished look.

You then simply line the finished edge of the blanket onto the body of your sewing machine and use it as a guide. You can choose to use decorative stitches if you want, and you can create different-sized hems based on your fabric pattern and preference.

3.6. Hand Knots

To keep the polished cord from moving– ever, add some knots by hand with cheap embroidery thread. After carefully and carefully knotting the blanket, you have your flannel blanket ready to use at any time!

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