How To Make A Fluffy Blanket Fluffy Again

How To Make A Fluffy Blanket Fluffy Again

On cold winter days, there is nothing more wonderful than being curled up in a soft, cozy blanket, sipping a cup of hot tea or coffee. But unfortunately, your favorite blanket can lose its soft feel over time and you’re always wondering how to make a fluffy blanket fluffy again. It is not only your own concern, but it is also an issue that receives the attention of many people.

I fully understand that a perfectly soft blanket can melt away your worries and concerns and is the ideal resting place to relax after a tiring day at work. If your favorite blanket has lost its velvety feel, you may be wondering what you can do to get that comfort back. The soft, smooth feeling is such a wonderful feeling that it is a very effective healer.

Do not worry! In this article, we will suggest steps on how to properly care for a blanket, outline the causes of the blanket gradually losing its softness, as well as offer the most effective solutions. If you want to learn more unique and creative blanket care tips, don’t hesitate to visit our website 9Blanket!

1. Why Do Blankets Lose Their Softness?

We all know that there is a lot of fine dust in the air, which over time will stick to our blankets. In addition, while sleeping, the body will excrete excess oil, sweat, .. or food, or drink you accidentally shift into the blanket while using. All of these are the reasons why our blankets are no longer clean, and dirty and even cause unpleasant odors.

You already know that dirty blankets will feel hard and sticky, not soft. In this case, what you need to do is to wash your blanket, as well as take special care so that it is both clean and does not lose its softness. It’s the way you wash your blanket that can directly affect how soft it feels. So the process needs to be done according to specific instructions.

Not all blankets have the same care and hygiene. For example, some blankets, such as super soft and cotton, are made from synthetic fibers that require a little more care to avoid feeling lumpy or crunchy.When it comes to keeping your comforter supple, heat is your worst enemy. High heat washing and drying cycles can cause those soft synthetic fibers to warp, warp, and damage. These are the notes in the washing process that you need to pay attention to.

Your laundry products can also affect the softness of your blanket. If the detergent cannot be entirely eliminated during the washing cycle, using too much of it will have a negative effect on how the blanket feels. Bleach and strong disinfectants can damage fabric fibers, just like the heat. And fabric softener may sound like the answer to your softness problems, but keep reading to find out why it can make your blanket less soft.

2. How Often Should You Wash Your Blanket?

One of the first factors you should consider when figuring out how to keep a blanket soft is how often you should wash it. A stable and periodic washing schedule will keep your blanket in a fresh condition as well as minimize the damage incurred if you do not wash the blanket regularly.

For example, if your blanket has not been washed for a long time, it will have an unpleasant smell, and stains that stay on for too long may not be completely removed. On the contrary, if you wash the blanket too often, it is also easy to lose its structure and softness because of too much heat as well as too much force.

So we give you a general convention that your laundry schedule will decrease according to frequency and intended use. If you often use the blanket, it should be washed once every 1-2 months; If rarely used, the blanket can be washed at the end of each season.

If you’re using a baby comforter, you should wash it at least once a week to keep it clean and soft. On the other hand, if your Sew Sweet mink blanket is only seldom used and is covered on the sofa, you should wash it once a month.

3. How to Keep a Blanket Soft

Whether your goal is the softest, smoothest, warmest blanket or how to keep it clean, it’s important to understand what your blanket is made of. This directly affects the way you care for, dry, and store the blanket.

It is very simple to know what they are made of. Check the care label attached to the blanket or the packaging that came with the blanket to see what type of blanket you have and how the manufacturer recommends washing it. Reading these recommendations carefully and carefully is the first prerequisite before taking any further steps.

Your care instructions will vary depending on what material your blanket is made of and will require different cleaning and care. For example, natural materials such as cotton, wool, or muslin are susceptible to damage, requiring gentle, delicate care with minimal heat and force. As for synthetic fibers such as polyester fleece, they can be machine washed, without the need for too sophisticated care like natural materials.

If you know what to use (and what to avoid using) during washing, maintaining the softness of your blanket is simple. Remember that heat, harsh detergents, and bleach will strip the softness of most blankets. But there’s another essential thing that can inadvertently work against you if you’re trying to keep your blanket soft and that is using fabric softener.

With the previous concept that I often see, people think pouring fabric softener into the blanket makes the blanket soft and fluffy, but this is unfounded. Many people don’t realize that fabric softeners can make blankets less soft and cozy! Because fabric softeners are made up of chemicals that can affect the fibers of your blanket, often resulting in less soft fabrics.

Instead, have an alternative emollient that you probably already have at home.

White vinegar is a superstar all-purpose cleaning ingredient that can help clean and soften your laundry. White vinegar has a low pH, making it an effective cleaner that can remove residue and build-up that cause fabrics to harden and fade (plus remove unpleasant odors).

Adding white vinegar to your cleaner can enhance its cleaning and whitening abilities. But where does white vinegar shine in the laundry room when you use it as a replacement for fabric softener, leaving fabrics super soft and silky?

4. Keeping it Clean and Smelling Sweet

Sometimes you accidentally make your beloved blanket dirty or have unnecessary things due to your or your family members’ inadvertently. It’s not uncommon for a car seat disaster, child play accident, drip of coffee, or alcohol stain to appear on a favorite blanket.

These stains are just a small dot or a small streak on the surface of the blanket, but it is enough to be unsightly and make you feel uncomfortable. But don’t worry because we’ve got some backup plans in place when this happens. Instead of taking the whole blanket to wash, which takes a lot of time and effort, you just need to clean the dirty area separately.

After searching and discovering stains on the surface of the blanket, remember not to rub this area because too much friction can damage the fibers as well as break the structure of the blanket. You can use a little detergent to gently dab a few drops on a white towel and then gently blot the stain with the towel. Till the stain disappears, rub it with your fingertips or another soft cloth.

You can keep your mink blankets smelling fresh by storing them in a bag. On a nice windy day, you can take advantage of the freshness of the spring breeze by hanging it on a rope, even if it’s dry. Just remember to keep out of direct sunlight.

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