How To Make A Poncho From A Blanket

How To Make A Poncho From A Blanket

Ponchos are unique, flexible clothes that can turn fabrics from dull, and monotonous to luxurious and stylish if you know how. If you have a blanket that you hardly use anymore, this article will show you how to make a poncho from a blanket in the most creative and aesthetic way.

As we all know ponchos can usually be cut from any piece of fabric the right size to create a stylish shirt. Since they can be cut from a single piece of fabric, creating ponchos is often quite simple, making them the perfect item for DIY projects for families with kids or making items. casual wear, quick.

Below we will show you the simple steps to create your own unique ponchos. After creating the finished product I am sure you will be surprised by the practicality and fashion of this new boat. So keep reading and checking out!

1. What You Need

Before starting to create a unique poncho shirt, we should first prepare some of the materials below so that the process of creating the finished product takes place quickly and smoothly. You can go to clothing stores or large supermarkets to find these items.


Any blanket or fabric large enough that when folded in half, it should be long enough to cover the torso and wide enough to cover the shoulders. The blanket should be about 60” x 50” (with or without ruffles) or you can prepare 2 yards of warm fabric at least 50” wide


  • Scissors to cut fabric
  • Few safety pins
  • Marker tool (cloth pen, regular pen, even a piece of dry soap works great as a cloth pen)
  • Mannequin for pleating (optional)
  • Tape measure
  • 2 switch hooks

2. How To Make A Poncho From A Blanket

Step 1: Get A Blanket Or Square Piece Of Fabric Of The Right Size

Ponchos can come in a wide variety of sizes to suit any length you desire – they can range from waist-length or taller to floor length. The length of the ponchos is as much a matter of preference as the size of the existing blanket. 

However, most ponchos should hang down to wrist level which is a fairly common sewing size. To determine if a certain piece of fabric is the right size to use as a poncho. Cover your head with the cloth or blanket you want to use – it will hang over your head a long way where it will be a finished poncho.

Most adults will need a piece of fabric the size of a regular couch, while children will obviously need smaller pieces of fabric. Error in the aspect of using too much fabric, instead of too little. It is easier to cut a poncho to make it shorter than to sew on extra fabric to make it longer.

Step 2: Fold The Fabric In Half

Next, fold your fabric in half so that the edges of the blanket meet. On a clean flat surface like a table or floor, spread a blanket over it to make this step easier. Next, depending on what you want about your poncho, you will decide how to fold it. If you want an asymmetrical poncho then don’t fold your fabric so that its edges meet, instead, let the bottom half be longer than the top half.

Step 3: Cut a hole in your head.

In this next step, carefully use scissors or a fabric cutter to cut the edge of the folded fabric. You can use a tape measure to find the exact center of the fabric length before cutting to make sure the poncho rests evenly on your shoulders. When cutting you need to align so that the incision must be centered along the folded edge to ensure the symmetry of the shirt.

The hole you make can be a custom size to your liking – it just needs to be big enough for your head to fit through. In general, you should measure the size of the hole to about 12 inches (30 cm) (6 inches on either side of the center of the folded edge) large enough.

You can create holes in the top of your poncho so it’s not just boring holes. To make a different-shaped head hole, cut a shape into your folded fabric in the center at the midpoint of the folded edge. For example, to make a circular head hole, cut a half circle centered on the folded edge, to make a rhombus, cut a triangle centered in the center of the folded edge, and so on.

Step 4: You Can Optionally Contour The Seams Around The Head Hole To Avoid Fraying And Curling- H3

Once you’ve cut the hole your poncho is basically “done”. Now you can completely use it for the intended purposes. However, if you want to make your poncho more durable then a little extra work can be done to sew the hems around the shirt.

Because after cutting the fabric will loosen and if you don’t use a sewing machine or a needle to fix it, the fibers will loosen after using it a few times. More specifically, the unprotected pieces of fabric created by cutting your head holes are susceptible to wear and tear – over time you may notice it starting to fray.

To prevent this, sew a hem around the edge of the top hole to strengthen the material and prolong the life of the new garment.

Step 5: Add Flair And Creativity To Your Poncho!- H3

When it comes to making your poncho more functional or eye-catching, you have many options! Just a few are listed below by 9Blanket:

Method 1: Add Bags

Sew small, flat pieces of fabric to the front or sides of the poncho, leaving the top edge open for you to reach in. These fabric pieces can be in any shape you like – try squares, semi-circles, and hearts!

Method 2: Decorate The Collar With Scrap Jeans To Create Accents

With your scrap jeans laid flat, cut the top from the bottom hem to the front pocket. The target is about 35 inches long and 5 to 6 inches wide. It doesn’t have to be precise but nice straight lines will help.

Next, lay your fabric on a flat floor then starting from the sides you will fold about an inch of fabric back onto itself. Fold it over again until your edges meet. Pin in place.

Repeat with the other edge of the fabric for a complete look but one edge will be inside your poncho so it’s up to you to trim the second edge.

Continue folding and pinning your collar to the poncho until you have gone all the way around and the ends of the collar are touching. Over the top and sew along the entire collar and once along the edge where your fabric overlaps. Once you’re sewed, you’ve finished your very own inspirational and creative poncho!

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