How to Wash Crochet Blanket

How to Wash Crochet Blanket

How to wash a crochet blanket is a difficult problem because the structure of the crochet blanket is quite weak. Recently, we tend to clean the house ourselves, so the issue of pillow hygiene is one of the top concerns. The effect of cleaning pillows is extremely good, they bring you a period of rest, clean and extremely comfortable.

So for the crochet blanket, how should we clean it so that we can keep the fragrance, sharp color and shape as when we bought it. Please read this article in its entirety! I believe you will be satisfied with the information coming here!

1. What is a Crochet Blanket Made of?

When it comes to wool, we will immediately think of a soft and warm image because perhaps they are derived from the fur of some animals such as sheep, camels, rabbits and goats,… Nowadays, a number of wool products are made of synthetic materials to further enhance some of the properties of wool such as thermal insulation, electrical insulation, and great warmth retention.

Putting in the washing machine can often be the way to get a synthetic crochet blanket cleaned. But most blankets of natural origin require special care. Therefore, you should carefully read the laundry symbols on the label and the instructions for use and care of the product.

The type of yarn and fabric will determine how you need to wash the blanket in your best interest. For example, cleaning a soft woolen blanket is different from cleaning a crocheted blanket.

2. Some Notes Before Washing

2.1. How Often Should the Crochet Blanket Be Washed?

For crocheted blankets, you shouldn’t wash it often. To preserve the product for as long as possible this should be done. Regular washing even when properly cleaned can eventually damage the blanket. It will begin to slam into the blanket, losing its shape, fading colors and possibly even breaking some of the threads.

Of course, this doesn’t advise you to clean it less, on the contrary you can wash the blanket more often but it will depend on how often you use it, the type of fiber used to make the product and the amount of dirt accumulated. gather on your blanket.

2.2. How to Choose Washing Powder?

To ensure a crochet blanket, you should choose a mild detergent or rinse aid that will work well in most cases. If you really don’t feel safe with laundry detergent or reaper powder, you can carefully choose shampoos that are specially made to allow you to wash crocheted blankets gently and safely.

How you choose your washing chemicals combined with how you wash will help you get the results you want. If you wonder what type of washing should be, then here we will introduce you to the most suitable washing method.

3. How and Steps to Wash Crochet Blanket

3.1. Washed by Hand

If you choose to wash your blanket by hand, make sure you have enough time and energy. Although the effort is a lot, in return the results will be extremely surprising and satisfying. Here are the steps to wash crochet blankets by hand:

  • Step 1: First, choose the item to wash your crochet blanket based on the size of the blanket. If your blanket is large, choose an equivalent pot, if smaller, choose a bucket! Make sure your blanket is comfortable. Next, fill with cold water the most suitable item you have chosen to wash the blanket. Just pour enough to make sure to contain and completely submerge your blanket under the water, don’t let the crochet blanket cause water to spill out causing waste.
  • Step 2: Add 2 teaspoons of the mild detergent you’ve decided to use along with some fabric softener to help soften the fabric and make the scent last longer. To dissolve the mixture quickly, you can use your hands or a larger object to stir it. And then, wait at least five minutes before adding the crochet blanket to the water mixture, as the detergent takes time to mix well.
  • Step 3: Take your blanket and gently dip it in the soapy water mixture. Let the blanket soak up the water until it really sinks to the bottom, by which time every part of the blanket is soaked and soaked with soap. Once completely soaked, rub your hands gently around the blanket in the water with the aim of dissolving any dirt from the fibers. Then, soak your crochet blanket for about an hour before actually taking it out of the water.
  • Step 4: After an hour of soaking the blanket, carefully remove the blanket from the water and spread it out on a flat surface with a large bath towel. To let the water out as much as possible, roll it up the length of the blanket. However, your blanket can stretch or get damaged if you press it too hard. Just push the blanket just enough to keep it from getting wet.

3.2. Machine Wash

If your blanket is made from a yarn that is used for machine washing, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Take your blanket and put it inside the washing machine. Also add the mild detergent you’ve considered choosing along with a little essential oil or fabric softener. Then close the lid of the washing machine.
  • Step 2: Start working with your washing machine by choosing a wash mode for your blanket. Make sure that the water you choose is cold and the washing force is extremely low to ensure the fabric is durable. And now your job is to wait until the end of the washing program!
  • Step 3: After the end of the washing program, select the blanket drying mode, the blanket drying speed should only be in the range of 600 – 800 rpm.

4. Ways to Dry Crochet Blanket

Whether you choose to hand wash or machine wash as outlined above, you can choose between the following two ways to dry your crochet blanket:

4.1. Dry by Machine

Each yarn type will have a number indicating how much heat the yarn can withstand. Whatever the temperature, you’re better off using the lowest temperature whenever possible. The higher the temperature, the more likely your precious blanket will be damaged.

However, we still recommend that you do not use the dryer, the drying motion will wreak havoc on your blanket. The ends of the yarn will come apart easily, the weak sections of the yarn can break, the shape will be distorted… and there are many reasons for you to be cautious here.

4.2. Dry on a Flat Surface

To begin the process of drying the blanket, you need to flatten the blanket and try to give your blanket its original shape. And you can also spread a plastic sheet on the bottom of the blanket to keep the surface of the blanket straight. Make sure that both your blanket and the surface under the sun are not harsh, so your blanket will dry faster.

Use a clean, dry towel over your blanket. After a few hours, you may need to change the towels as they are probably soaked too. Be careful to turn the blanket over after a few hours!

5. Fix the Crochet Blanket After Drying

Adjust your blanket back to its original shape only when it is really completely dry. Try not to pull or tug when trying to reshape it. Doing so can cause thread breakage, woven ends, or worse, damage to your blanket.

Adjusting the shape of the blanket after washing, drying and drying the blanket is necessary because it helps your blanket to be durable, beautiful and with you longer. However, during this process, be careful and control your force on the blanket!


After the information we have provided above, whether you use a hand or a machine to wash a crochet blanket depends on many factors such as the material of the blanket, the frequency of use of the blanket, the time you spend washing it. blanket,… 9Blanket hopes either way, it will work as you’re expecting!

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