How To Wash Gravity Blanket

How To Wash Gravity Blanket

If you own a heavy-weight blanket, you must be very concerned about how to wash the gravity blanket in the right way. Once you try on a weighted blanket, you may never want to leave its surprisingly warm and comfortable cocoon. But sooner or later, you’ll have to jump out of bed to wash your heavy blanket so it stays new and clean.

Blankets generally absorb body oils and sweat and can come in contact with dirt and grime. Therefore, it is necessary to take the blanket to wash periodically because it not only ensures that the blanket is always clean but also does not affect your health.

There are some special considerations to keep in mind when cleaning your weighted blanket that we outline below that will come in handy. Don’t let washing a weighted blanket scare you off – it’s not much different from washing a regular blanket, although there are some special steps to keep in mind.

1. Why You Should Have A Gravity Blanket

In recent years, weighted blankets have grown in popularity, and their widespread appeal comes as no surprise given their potential benefits to sleeping health. Many people find that using a weighted blanket helps reduce insomnia, anxiety, and restlessness.

For anyone who struggles to settle in for 8 hours of comfortable sleep a night, there’s nothing irresistible about the allure of an everyday blanket that promises to reduce anxiety and stress. and insomnia.

Many people are now turning to weighted blankets to help them sleep better. The idea behind using this type of therapeutic tool is based on the fact that when a person is under consistent pressure on their body, they tend to feel more secure and secure, which helps them fall asleep. fall asleep faster and deeper while sleeping longer throughout the night.

Research has revealed that people who used a weighted blanket for a month experienced reduced symptoms of insomnia, fatigue, and increased daytime activity levels.

Furthermore, studies have shown that people who use weighted blankets tend to wake up feeling more energetic the next morning due to the higher quality of sleep they experience when using the blanket. Therefore, using gravity blankets is a trend because it improves the quality of sleep, so it is an investment in health that is well worth the investment.

2. Why You Need To Wash Your Weighted Blanket

Like any bedding accessory, weighted blankets will absorb all kinds of oils, liquids, dirt, pet dander, and even food, etc. We all secrete body fluids and remove dead skin cells while we sleep. The number of skin cells shed each day is astounding; It is estimated that we produce about 1.5 g per day, which is enough to feed a swarm of dust mites!

The problem is that these can eventually seep into our bedding, such as heavy blankets that will cause unpleasant odors, even unwanted mildew. That’s why it’s important to make sure your heavy blanket is laundered regularly.

Not only does this help remove allergens, but it also helps maintain the fabric’s structure and integrity so you can enjoy its benefits for longer. Proper care of your weighted blanket will keep it clean and fresh, minimizing the risk of allergies or any other health problems associated with dirt buildup.

3. How Often Should Weighted Blankets Be Washed?

9Blanket answers to this question will depend solely on how often you use your blanket. If you use a gravity blanket every day, it’s a good idea to wash it at least four or five times a year. If you use blankets less often, they should be used two or three times a year.

Frequently washing a heavy blanket can affect its feel and durability. You can extend the life of your weighted blanket by investing in a cover that can be easily removed and washed.

4. Machine Washing a Weighted Blanket

4.1. Follow the Instructions on the Label-

Before you begin, check the manufacturer’s label for any special washing instructions as some blankets may need to be hand washed or washed on the spot instead of washing the whole thing in the machine.

Because weighted blankets can be made of many different materials and you want to make sure you don’t damage the mattress or upholstery, it’s essential to be familiar with the manufacturer’s recommended blanket washing instructions. The care label will provide laundry symbols and clear washing instructions to help you keep your blanket safe during the washing process.

4.2. Treat Any Stains

The first step that we need to do before we put the blanket in the washing machine is to check the cover for any stains. This stain pretreatment will help identify stubborn stains and stains on the surface of the blanket, making them easier to remove and making the washing process less stressful later.

To clean stains, mix a little warm water with mild dish soap or mild detergent. Allow 5-10 minutes for the detergent to soak into the fabric, then use a soft-bristled brush or a soft, damp cloth to scrub away the stain. After scrubbing the stains meticulously, then blot them with a clean, damp cloth.

Continue repeating that process 2-3 times until the stain has come off, you can also blot the stain one last time with a dry cloth and let it dry naturally. 

4.3. Remove the Blanket Cover and Machine Wash

Like regular duvet covers, many weighted blankets have removable covers. This is a great way to protect your entire blanket and keep it in fresh condition as we can separate each part for a more convenient cleaning.

Then set a gentle machine wash cycle and cool or cold water to help protect the duvet cover from damage. Also, you should use a mild detergent and make sure the bleach does not contain chlorine.

After washing the duvet cover by machine, you can put it in the dryer on the low heat setting and the lowest spin mode so that the blanket dries evenly and is not too rough on the fabric. You can also lay out the duvet cover or dry it in a well-ventilated area and out of direct sunlight, especially if you’re someone who likes the smell of “dried in the fresh air”.

5. Hand Washing a Weighted Blanket

5.1. Fill The Container Or Tub With Water

First and foremost, similar to machine washing, before hand washing, check the care instructions on the label to see if your blanket can be pre-soaked.

Next, fill the tub with warm water mixed with a mild detergent or dish soap and soak the blanket for 45 minutes. This process effectively cleans blankets, especially if they are dirty and stained, as it helps to remove stubborn stains.

5.2. Spot Cleaning

While soaking the gravity blanket in this mixture, use a soft brush, toothbrush, or cloth to scrub the stain until it comes off. You can add dishwashing liquid to the stain for easier cleaning.

5.3. Toss The Blanket

After cleaning the stain, the next step is to press and squeeze the core of the blanket to remove all dirt and stains on the fabric. In this step, you should use just enough force to avoid hurting the blanket.

Next, drain the tub, fill it with cold water, and drain the blanket until the soap bubbles are gone. It is important to repeat this process twice to make sure all the foam has been washed away. This will ensure that the blanket is clean and free of any stains or stains from before.

5.4. Remove Your Blanket From the Container and Wring It Out

After the container drains, you can squeeze the water out of the blanket and make sure it’s as dry as possible. This should be done a few times to make sure all the water is out. After wringing, you can hang the blanket on the drying rack so that the remaining water in the blanket is drained out.

Then you can bring the blanket to dry in the machine with a temperature to avoid damaging the blanket. Or you can dry the blanket in a ventilated place and avoid direct sunlight to dry the blanket most naturally.

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