What is a Security Blanket

What Is A Security Blanket

Perhaps many of us are still wondering what is a security blanket, how to use this blanket, or is this blanket safe for children. For many babies and toddlers, a security blanket is an essential part of their childhood.

This adorable item has not only been enthusiastically received by the kids but has also saved many parents from sleepless nights or stressful outings. There’s nothing cuter than seeing a small child or baby clutching their blanket tightly, their big round, shimmering eyes as they cradle their favorite item that makes anyone feel so happy.

A safety blanket is a comfort to a child and a reassurance to parents that, once a blanket is in hand, their baby will soon be napping. Here, we look at how to choose the perfect security blanket for your baby.

1. What Is a Security Blanket?

The concept of a security blanket for babies is gradually being popularized and used more and more widely in today’s life. A safety blanket is a soft, snug-fitting blanket that an infant, toddler, or young child uses to help them feel safe and emotionally supported.

Right from birth, babies always want to be in the loving arms of their parents. It gives them a sense of security and reduces anxiety.

And so when children start to move around or start being alone, the need for something familiar begins to form, especially during bedtime. This is when an object is in transition, a security blanket is often used to fill the gap for the child.

Security blankets not only provide physical comfort as they keep your baby wrapped around your baby to keep warm and avoid physical contact from the outside, but they can also provide comfort. spirit for the child.

Safety blankets provide emotional support for young children just like pacifiers, dolls, or stuffed animals. Babies can use blankets to self-soothe by stroking, playing with the blanket, or pressing their cheeks against the blanket. When the baby has a blanket, the child will feel safe because it feels like someone is always beside him.

Safety blankets are effective at night, during daytime naps, and when going out. Some parents worry their kids might become too attached to blankets, but most kids will get older when they’re ready.

2. Choosing a Good Blanket

2.1. Soothing Quality

When choosing a security blanket for a child, the first and foremost factor that should be considered is the softness of the blanket. As we all know, the tactile factor is very important when choosing blankets in general and is especially more important when choosing blankets for young children.

When choosing a quality blanket, it will create a cuddly, soft, and smooth feeling that is friendly to the baby’s sensitive skin. Cotton is the best fabric that can meet most of the above requirements. Consider choosing a blanket made from organic cotton that is free of chemical pesticides, which is better for both the baby and the earth.

2.2.  Eco-friendly Option

A baby’s blanket will usually be close to the baby’s face and in direct contact with its skin. Babies breathe with their noses and mouths pressed against the fabric so you need to make sure you choose blankets that haven’t been treated with harsh chemicals in the process and look for prints made with water-based inks.

Because children are very susceptible to irritation and rashes with foreign chemicals. This is also worth paying attention to when choosing a blanket.

2.3.  Buy A Backup

If your baby has become extremely attached to their blanket and can’t sleep without it, what do you do if the item needs to be washed or lost? When such a worst-case scenario occurs, you should choose a replaceable blanket or buy a spare.

When buying, you should buy two identical items to avoid feeling strange and confused when children use them. Having two identical security blankets gives you and your baby absolute peace of mind.

You won’t need to worry much if the blanket gets dirty or damaged, there’s always one ready to accompany your child at all times. Once you’ve decided on the right type of safety blanket, it’s time to introduce yourself. Introduce the item to the child.

3. How To Use a Security Blanket

The best way to help your child work through separation anxiety and accept those times without a parent is to be prepared for it. Start introducing security blankets into family activities when your baby is about three months old.

This is the ideal time to introduce security blankets as part of your child’s life to help them get used to their presence. When exposed for a long enough time, the blanket will become more familiar.

However, keep in mind that the American Academy of Pediatrics warns against placing any items, including baby blankets, in a baby’s crib or bassinet until the baby is 12 months old.

Until then, use blankets to comfort your child during sleepless times. Wrap your child in it, take it to playtime, and take it with you when running errands together or playing in the park. Over time, your baby will begin to associate the smell and feel of the blanket with love and comfort.

You can also wrap a blanket around your baby when passing it on from person to person. This can help children become less wary of strangers, which can be important during the “stranger danger” stage of development, which usually occurs around 8 or 9 months of age.

Don’t use blankets when your baby is hungry, scared, or uncomfortable, as you want the blanket to be associated only with happy moments. Because you are creating a strong strong association between safety and security blankets.

To aid the bonding process, try naming the blanket. This can help your child feel more connected to the blanket, just like they bond with a family pet or cuddly doll.

Every night before your child falls asleep, keep their favorite blanket around to give them the feeling of having a sleep companion with them. Your baby may wake up in the middle of the night and cry to be comforted.

With a safety blanket, your baby can get a sense of security and comfort even when you’re not there. It will help him self-soothe and eventually fall asleep. It not only helps children practice independently.

4. Why Do Children Need Security Blankets?

4.1. Reduces Stress And Anxiety

The main benefit of this is to help your baby/toddler deal with anxiety and reduce stress, especially when traveling and being exposed to a different environment. You coax know that parents are not always present and accompany their children all the time.

Therefore, any parent must create a habit of independence for their children. To support and accelerate this process, having a “transitional object” is very important. That’s why we need the help of a security blanket.

It provides comfort, especially in times when you are not around. Blankets are like a bond between parents and babies, bringing a sense of security when there are no loved ones around.

4.2. Helps With Sleeping

One of the main benefits of having a security blanket is that it aids babies and toddlers to fall asleep more easily. When your baby gets used to the presence of a blanket over a long period and gets used to its smell, 9Blanket thinks he will feel comfortable and safe even without his parents but also helps parents not have to stay up all night to babysit.

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